151 Lucky Baby Girl’s Names for Iran with Their Meanings

151 Lucky Baby Girl’s Names for Iran with Their Meanings

Baby Girl's Names for Iran
Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

Embracing Blessings: Exploring 151 Lucky Baby Girl’s Names for Iran with Their Meanings

Introduction: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

Selecting a name for a Baby Girl’s Names for Iran is a significant decision for parents, often infused with hopes, dreams, and cultural significance. In Iran, the naming process holds particular importance, reflecting the country’s rich history, traditions, and values. This comprehensive list presents 151 lucky baby girl’s names for Iran, each with its unique meaning, celebrating the beauty, spirituality, and resilience cherished in Iranian culture.

Honoring Tradition: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

Iranian names are deeply rooted in tradition, drawing inspiration from Persian literature, mythology, nature, and religious texts. By choosing a traditional Iranian name for their daughters, parents pay homage to their cultural heritage and instill a sense of pride in their identity and roots.

Symbolism and Significance:

Each name in this list carries profound symbolism and significance, reflecting the aspirations, virtues, and blessings parents wish to bestow upon their daughters.

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From names inspired by nature’s beauty to those embodying spiritual qualities and strength of character, these names serve as timeless markers of identity and purpose.

Embracing Spiritual Values:

Many Iranian names have spiritual meanings, reflecting the country’s deep religious and philosophical heritage.

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Names like Anahita (Goddess of Water), Farah (Happiness), and Roya (Dream) evoke spiritual qualities such as purity, joy, and aspiration, guiding girls on a path of inner growth and enlightenment.

Celebrating Feminine Beauty:

Iranian names often celebrate the beauty and grace associated with femininity. Names like Golnaz (Beautiful Flower), Leyla (Night), and Bahar (Spring) evoke images of natural beauty and elegance, honoring the inherent grace and charm of Iranian women.

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Reflecting Cultural Identity:

In Iran, a name is more than just a label—it reflects cultural identity and values passed down through generations.

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By selecting a name with Persian origins, parents affirm their connection to Iran’s rich cultural tapestry and ensure that their daughters carry on the legacy of their ancestors with pride.

Empowering Meanings: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

Many Iranian names for baby girls carry empowering meanings that inspire strength, resilience, and determination.

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Names like Homa (Phoenix), Tahereh (Pure), and Yasmin (Jasmine) convey qualities of courage, purity, and beauty, empowering girls to embrace their innate potential and thrive in all aspects of life.

Navigating Meaningful Choices: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

With 151 lucky baby girl’s names to choose from, Iranian parents have a wealth of options to explore, each carrying its unique charm and significance.

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Whether seeking a name that embodies traditional values, spiritual ideals, or personal aspirations, this list offers a diverse array of choices to suit every preference and sentiment.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging:

The naming of a baby girl is a cherished tradition in Iran, symbolizing familial bonds and a sense of belonging to the wider community and culture.

By choosing a name that resonates with their heritage and values, parents ensure that their daughters feel rooted in their Iranian identity and connected to the collective history of their people.

Cultivating Hope and Joy: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the act of naming a baby girl is an affirmation of hope, joy, and optimism for the future. Each name in this list represents a beacon of light and a source of inspiration, guiding Iranian girls on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment.

Conclusion: Baby Girl’s Names for Iran

The naming of a baby girl is a sacred and joyous occasion in Iranian culture, imbued with meaning, tradition, and love.

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By selecting from the list of 151 lucky baby girl’s names for Iran, parents honor their cultural heritage, celebrate the beauty of femininity, and impart blessings upon their daughters for a lifetime of happiness, success, and fulfillment.

Here’s the table for 151 Lucky Baby Girl’s Names for Iran with Their Meanings:

Serial No. English Name Irani Name Meaning
1 Aida آیدا Visiting, Returning
2 Bahar بهار Spring
3 Cyrus کوروش Sun
4 Darya دریا Sea
5 Elham الهام Inspiration
6 Farah فرح Happiness
7 Golnaz گلناز Beautiful Flower
8 Homa هما Phoenix
9 Yasmin یاسمین Jasmine
10 Armita آرمیتا Honorable
11 Banafsheh بنفشه Violet
12 Delara دلآرا Attractive Heart
13 Fereshteh فرشته Angel
14 Gita گیتا Song
15 Haleh هاله Halo
16 Javidan جاویدان Eternal
17 Kiana کیانا Divine
18 Leyla لیلا Night
19 Mahsa مهسا Like the Moon
20 Nasrin نسرین Wild Rose
21 Parisa پریسا Like a Fairy
22 Roya رویا Dream
23 Setareh ستاره Star
24 Taraneh ترانه Song
25 Anahita آناهیتا Goddess of Water
26 Behnaz بهناز Best Coquettish
27 Delaram دلارام Quiet Heart
28 Fariba فریبا Charming
29 Gelareh گلاره Like a Ray of Sun
30 Hengameh هنگامه Time of Joy
31 Khatereh خاطره Memory
32 Ladan لادن A flower
33 Mahnaz مهناز Moonlight
34 Neda ندا Voice
35 Parand پرند Bird
36 Roshanak روشنک Bright
37 Shadi شادی Happiness
38 Tahmineh تهمینه A Character in Shahnameh
39 Vida ویدا Unique
40 Yalda یلدا Longest Night
41 Afsaneh افسانه Myth, Legend
42 Behnaz بهناز Best Coquettish
43 Dorsa درسا Like a Pearl
44 Firoozeh فیروزه Turquoise
45 Golsa گلسا Flower-like
46 Hoori حوری Fairy, Beautiful Woman
47 Iran ایران Land of the Aryans
48 Jina جینا Name of a River
49 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
50 Leila لیلا Night
51 Mahasti مهستی Moonlight
52 Negin نگین Gem, Precious Stone
53 Parvin پروین Pleiades, A Cluster of Stars
54 Rana رانا Gazelle
55 Shabnam شبنم Dew
56 Tara تارا Star
57 Afsar افسر Crown
58 Bita بیتا Unique, Singular
59 Davar داور Judge
60 Fahimeh فهیمه Intelligent, Wise
61 Golnar گلنار Pomegranate Flower
62 Homayoun همایون Lucky
63 Iman ایمان Faith
64 Kamran کامران Successful
65 Laleh لاله Tulip
66 Mahasti مهستی Moonlight
67 Nahid ناهید Venus, Planet
68 Parastoo پرستو Swallow
69 Roksana رکسانا Sunrise
70 Sahar سحر Dawn
71 Tahereh طاهره Pure, Clean
72 Vida ویدا Unique
73 Yasmin یاسمین Jasmine
74 Azadeh آزاده Free
75 Bahareh بهاره Spring
76 Delbar دلبر Charming, Lovely
77 Farideh فریده Unique
78 Golnaz گلناز Beautiful Flower
79 Hamideh حمیده Praised, Commended
80 Jasmin یاسمین Jasmine
81 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
82 Layla لیلا Night
83 Mahboubeh محبوبه Lovely, Sweetheart
84 Narges نرگس Narcissus
85 Parivash پریوش Like a Fairy
86 Roshanak روشنک Bright
87 Sahar سحر Dawn
88 Tahmineh تهمینه A Character in Shahnameh
89 Vida ویدا Unique
90 Yasaman یاسمن Jasmine
91 Azar آذر Fire
92 Bahar بهار Spring
93 Delara دلارا Attractive Heart
94 Fereshteh فرشته Angel
95 Golshan گلشن Flower Garden
96 Hana حنا Happiness, Bliss
97 Jamshid جمشید Sun King
98 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
99 Leyla لیلا Night
100 Mahnoosh مهنوش Moonlight
101 Nahid ناهید Venus, Planet
102 Parisa پریسا Like a Fairy
103 Roya رویا Dream
104 Sahar سحر Dawn
105 Taraneh ترانه Song
106 Anahita آناهیتا Goddess of Water
107 Bahar بهار Spring
108 Delara دلآرا Attractive Heart
109 Fereshteh فرشته Angel
110 Golnaz گلناز Beautiful Flower
111 Hana حنا Happiness, Bliss
112 Jamshid جمشید Sun King
113 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
114 Leyla لیلا Night
115 Mahnoosh مهنوش Moonlight
116 Nahid ناهید Venus, Planet
117 Parisa پریسا Like a Fairy
118 Roya رویا Dream
119 Sahar سحر Dawn
120 Taraneh ترانه Song
121 Anahita آناهیتا Goddess of Water
122 Bahar بهار Spring
123 Delara دلارا Attractive Heart
124 Fereshteh فرشته Angel
125 Golnaz گلناز Beautiful Flower
126 Hana حنا Happiness, Bliss
127 Jamshid جمشید Sun King
128 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
129 Leyla لیلا Night
130 Mahnoosh مهنوش Moonlight
131 Nahid ناهید Venus, Planet
132 Parisa پریسا Like a Fairy
133 Roya رویا Dream
134 Sahar سحر Dawn
135 Taraneh ترانه Song
136 Anahita آناهیتا Goddess of Water
137 Bahar بهار Spring
138 Delara دلارا Attractive Heart
139 Fereshteh فرشته Angel
140 Golnaz گلناز Beautiful Flower
141 Hana حنا Happiness, Bliss
142 Jamshid جمشید Sun King
143 Katayoun کتایون Name of a River
144 Leyla لیلا Night
145 Mahnoosh مهنوش Moonlight
146 Nahid ناهید Venus, Planet
147 Parisa پریسا Like a Fairy
148 Roya رویا Dream
149 Sahar سحر Dawn
150 Taraneh ترانه Song
151 Anahita آناهیتا Goddess of Water
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Here’s the list of 151 lucky baby girl’s names for Iran with their meanings, arranged in a table format.

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