151 Lucky Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh with Meaning

151 Lucky Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh with Meaning

Baby Boys' Names From Bangladesh
Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Introduction-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh, Naming a baby is a deeply cherished tradition in many cultures, and Bangladesh, this practice holds special significance. Parents look for names that not only sound beautiful but also carry meaningful significance, reflecting hopes, values, and aspirations for their newborn. This list of 151 lucky baby girls’ names from Bangladesh with meaning, aims to inspire you as you choose the perfect name for your daughter. Each name comes with a special meaning that connects to the cultural, religious, or emotional roots of the family.

Names Inspired by Virtue and Grace

Many names in Bangladesh are chosen based on qualities parents hope their daughters will embody as they grow. Names inspired by virtue are not only meaningful but also serve as a reminder of the moral compass that will guide the child throughout her life.

Read here – https://sicopr.com/baby-girls-names-for-bangladesh/

These names often signify qualities like purity, wisdom, compassion, and grace. The meanings of such names convey characteristics such as “noble,” “kind-hearted,” “truthful,” and “graceful,” all of which are highly esteemed in Bengali culture.

Nature-Inspired Names-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Nature has long been a source of inspiration for names in Bangladesh. The country’s lush landscapes, rivers, flowers, and seasons often play a role in the creation of baby names. Whether drawing from flora or weather phenomena, nature-inspired names often evoke a sense of beauty, tranquility, and harmony.

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Common themes include meanings like “flower,” “moon,” “river,” and “star.” These names are not only poetic but also help connect the child to the natural beauty of her homeland.

Names Reflecting Strength and Courage

Many Bangladeshi parents choose names that symbolize strength and courage for their daughters. These names are not just a reflection of physical strength but also emotional and spiritual resilience. Such names may mean “brave,” “victorious,” or “strong-hearted.”

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These powerful names instill a sense of confidence and perseverance, inspiring the child to face challenges with determination and grit as she grows up.

Religious and Spiritual Names-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Given the significance of religion in Bangladesh, many baby names are influenced by Islamic tradition. These names often hold deep religious meaning and are connected to important figures or concepts in Islam.

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Names that mean “gift from God,” “blessing,” or “one who is close to God” are popular among parents looking to express gratitude or devotion. These names carry the hope that the child will grow up under divine protection and lead a spiritually fulfilling life.

Names Denoting Joy and Happiness

Names symbolizing joy and happiness are always in high demand among parents. These names capture the feeling of delight and bliss that comes with welcoming a new baby into the family.

Meanings like “joyful,” “light,” “laughter,” and “happiness” are common choices. Such names reflect a hope that the baby girl will bring happiness to everyone around her and live a life filled with joy and contentment.

Cultural and Historical Significance

Bangladesh has a rich cultural and historical legacy, and many parents choose names that reflect this heritage. Some names are inspired by significant cultural figures, historical events, or legends from Bengali history and literature.

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Choosing such a name can be a way of honoring the past while hoping for a bright future. These names often come with deeper meanings, such as “leader,” “protector,” or “heroine,” representing a connection to the collective identity of the community.

Peace and Harmony-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

In a world that often feels chaotic, many parents wish for their children to lead lives of peace and harmony. Names that convey meanings like “peace,” “serenity,” and “calm” are common choices in Bangladesh.

These names symbolize the desire for the child to live in a state of balance and contribute to creating harmony in the world around her. Such names are not only soothing to hear but also carry a message of tranquility and peaceful coexistence.

Wisdom and Knowledge-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Education and wisdom hold significant value in Bengali culture. Therefore, many baby names are chosen to reflect intellectual qualities and the pursuit of knowledge.

Names that mean “wise,” “intelligent,” or “knowledgeable” are selected with the hope that the child will grow up to value learning and make informed decisions throughout her life. These names reflect an appreciation for education and the importance of nurturing a curious, intelligent mind.

Hope and Aspiration

Parents often imbue their baby’s name with the hopes and aspirations they have for her future. Whether these hopes are for success, prosperity, health, or love, the names are carefully chosen to carry these meanings.

Names that symbolize “hope,” “dream,” “future,” or “vision” are imbued with optimism and reflect the high expectations parents have for their daughters.

Conclusion-Baby Boys’ Names From Bangladesh

Naming a baby is a beautiful, thoughtful process, and in Bangladesh, it carries deep cultural, religious, and emotional significance. The 151 lucky baby girls’ names presented here span a wide variety of inspirations, from virtues and nature to strength, religious meaning, joy, and wisdom.

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As you reflect on what you hope your daughter’s name will mean to her, remember that names carry stories, legacies, and blessings. Whether you are looking for a name rooted in cultural heritage, one that inspires strength and wisdom, or one that celebrates joy and peace, you will surely find something that resonates with your heart.

Choosing a name is one of the first ways you can offer your love and hope for your child, and this list provides a wealth of meaningful choices to celebrate the beginning of her life.

Here is a table with 151 lucky baby boys’ names from Bangladesh, presented in four columns as requested:

Sl. No. Baby Boy’s Name (English) Name in Bangladeshi Language (Bengali) Meaning
1 Ayaan আয়ান Gift of God
2 Rahim রহিম Merciful
3 Arif আরিফ Knowledgeable
4 Farhan ফারহান Joyful
5 Zayed জায়েদ Growth, abundance
6 Imran ইমরান Prosperity
7 Omar ওমর Long life
8 Anik অনিক Brave
9 Hadi হাদি Guide
10 Karim করিম Generous
11 Rayan রায়ান Gates of Heaven
12 Ridwan রিদওয়ান Pleasure of God
13 Tanvir তানভির Radiant
14 Arman আরমান Hope, wish
15 Nafis নাফিস Precious, valuable
16 Hasan হাসান Handsome, good
17 Fahim ফাহিম Intelligent
18 Mahir মাহির Skilled
19 Zubair জুবায়ের Strong, powerful
20 Sadiq সাদিক Truthful
21 Afzal আফজাল Honorable, superior
22 Iqbal ইকবাল Prosperity
23 Faisal ফয়সাল Decisive
24 Ashraf আশরাফ Honorable
25 Khaled খালেদ Eternal
26 Zahid জাহিদ Ascetic, devout
27 Rafiq রফিক Kind, compassionate
28 Shahin শাহীন Falcon
29 Anwar আনোয়ার Luminous, radiant
30 Jalal জলাল Majesty, grandeur
31 Ehsan এহসান Compassionate
32 Kamal কামাল Perfection
33 Nadir নাদির Rare, precious
34 Amir আমির Prince, ruler
35 Firoz ফিরোজ Victorious
36 Mazhar মজহার Manifestation
37 Tahir তহির Pure
38 Rafi রাফি Exalted, noble
39 Wali ওলি Protector, guardian
40 Munir মুনির Radiant, shining
41 Sultan সুলতান Ruler, king
42 Aref আরেফ Wise
43 Asif আসিফ Forgiveness, strong
44 Tarek তারেক Morning star
45 Ishaq ইসহাক Prophet Isaac
46 Irfan ইরফান Knowledge
47 Jamil জামিল Beautiful
48 Kadir কাদির Powerful
49 Masud মাসুদ Fortunate, happy
50 Sajid সাজিদ One who prostrates to God
51 Yasir ইয়াসির Wealthy, easy-going
52 Samir সামির Companion
53 Riaz রিয়াজ Gardens
54 Kabir কবির Great, magnificent
55 Nabil নাবিল Noble
56 Ahsan আহসান Excellence, perfection
57 Faiz ফাইয Victory, success
58 Aadil আদিল Just, fair
59 Nasir নাসির Helper, supporter
60 Usman উসমান Baby bustard (bird)
61 Zahoor জাহুর Manifest, visible
62 Bilal বিলাল Water, moist
63 Sharif শরীফ Noble, honorable
64 Idris ইদ্রিস Prophet Idris
65 Shafiq শফিক Compassionate, tender
66 Azhar আজহার Bright, luminous
67 Basit বাসিত One who enlarges
68 Habib হাবিব Beloved
69 Jafar জাফর Stream, rivulet
70 Khalil খলিল Friend
71 Nazir নজির Rare, precious
72 Saeed সাঈদ Happy, fortunate
73 Yasin ইয়াসিন First two letters of Surah Ya-Sin
74 Qasim কাসিম Distributor
75 Tariq তারিক Morning star
76 Fadil ফাদিল Generous
77 Waseem ওসিম Handsome
78 Abbas আব্বাস Stern, lion
79 Luqman লুকমান Wise
80 Mustafa মুস্তাফা Chosen one
81 Siraj সিরাজ Lamp, light
82 Mubarak মুবারক Blessed
83 Rashed রাশেদ Rightly guided
84 Safwan সফওয়ান Rock, pure
85 Sameer সামির Jovial, entertaining
86 Waqar ওয়াকার Dignity
87 Yusuf ইউসুফ Prophet Joseph
88 Zakir জাকির One who remembers God
89 Hamza হামজা Lion
90 Kaif কাইফ High spirit, pleasure
91 Shakir শাকির Thankful
92 Rifat রিফাত Dignity, high rank
93 Zaman জামান Era, time
94 Salman সালমান Safe, healthy
95 Qamar ক্বামার Moon
96 Farid ফারিদ Unique
97 Talha তালহা A kind of tree
98 Ghani গনি Rich, wealthy
99 Rafiuddin রফিউদ্দিন Exalted in religion
100 Nazim নাজিম Organizer
101 Hossain হোসেন Handsome
102 Munawwar মুনাওয়ার Bright, radiant
103 Qadir ক্বাদির Powerful, capable
104 Aman আমান Safety, trust
105 Bashir বশির Bringer of good news
106 Saif সাইফ Sword
107 Asad আসাদ Lion
108 Fahad ফাহাদ Leopard
109 Numan নুমান Blood, ancient king
110 Shahid শহীদ Witness, martyr
111 Nawaz নওয়াজ Kind, generous
112 Sarwar সারওয়ার Leader, chief
113 Imtiaz ইমতিয়াজ Distinction
114 Haris হারিস Guardian, protector
115 Mahmud মাহমুদ Praiseworthy
116 Naeem নাঈম Comfort, ease
117 Jahangir জাহাঙ্গীর World conqueror
118 Furqan ফোরকান Criterion between right and wrong
119 Riyad রিয়াদ Gardens
120 Adil আদিল Just, fair
121 Zulfikar যুলফিকার Name of Prophet Muhammad’s sword
122 Hasanuzzaman হাসানুজ্জামান Goodness of time
123 Jabir জাবির Consoler
124 Tanveer তানভীর Radiant, enlightened
125 Anwarul আনওয়ারুল Light of religion
126 Hakeem হাকিম Wise
127 Muniruzzaman মুনিরুজ্জামান Light of the time
128 Salahuddin সালাহউদ্দিন Righteousness of the faith
129 Khurram খুররাম Cheerful, happy
130 Haider হায়দার Lion
131 Salim সলিম Safe, peaceful
132 Rukanuddin রুকানুদ্দিন Pillar of the religion
133 Safdar সফদার Brave
134 Firas ফিরাস Perspicacious
135 Sufian সুফিয়ান Devoted
136 Tauhid তাওহীদ Belief in the oneness of God
137 Zaheer জহির Bright
138 Faisaluzzaman ফয়সালুজ্জামান Decider of the time
139 Nasrullah নাসরুল্লাহ Help of God
140 Shamim শামীম Fragrant
141 Omar Faruq ওমর ফারুক Discerning one
142 Tariqullah তারিকুল্লাহ Morning star of God
143 Zayeduzzaman জায়েদুজ্জামান Growth of the time
144 Mahboob মাহবুব Beloved
145 Talib তালিব Seeker, student
146 Shihab শিহাব Flame, meteor
147 Umar ওমর Long-lived
148 Yamin ইয়ামিন Right-hand, blessed
149 Shamsuzzaman শামসুজ্জামান Sun of the time
150 Murad মুরাদ Desire, intention
151 Sharifuzzaman শরীফুজ্জামান Noble of the time
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This list contains various names, each with a deep meaning, reflecting the culture, values, and religious significance of Bangladeshi names.

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